Blue Waters Kayaking is dedicated to developing sea kayakers and stand up paddle boarders with safe paddling skills, basic seamanship, knowledge and respect of the ocean environment. Our sea kayaking and stand up paddle board classes are designed for those interested in improving their skill level, as well as for those who intend to be responsible for others on the water. We are sensitive to the challenges of learning, so we maintain small group sizes in all of our courses to ensure that you will receive individualized and personalized instruction.
Instructors at Blue Waters Kayaking are American Canoe Association trained avid kayakers with Wilderness Medical Training.
Skills Class I: Intro to Sea Kayaking ~ $200
9:00 am to 1:00 pm see schedule
This course is designed for anyone who hasn’t been in a sea kayak or wants to improve their foundational knowledge to kayak safely. We begin with an orientation to kayaks, gear and the basics of paddling strokes while we explore the beautiful shorelines of Tomales Bay. Our day concludes with an introduction to reading: tide logs, charts and weather.
Skills Class II: Recoveries & Advanced Paddling Techniques ~ $250
9:00 am to 1:00 pm see schedule
This class focuses on teaching the necessary recovery skills you will need to paddle in open water, as well as the intermediate skills of edging, bracing, and paddling in currents. By the end of this class you should feel much more confident, and in control of your kayak in challenging conditions.
This class takes place on the waters north of Hog Island on beautiful Tomales Bay. We meet at Miller Boat Launch, and plan on paddling toward the mouth to play in the more dynamic waters near the ocean. Taught by our patient and expert ACA Certified Instructors, virtually everyone “gets it”. This class is a must for anyone interested in pursuing the sport of sea kayaking … and it is loads of fun.
Skills Class III: Tides & Currents ~ $200
9:00 am to 3:00 pm see schedule
Continuing on your quest for open coast exploration, this class will include more bracing, navigation, towing techniques, rough water recoveries, and practice reading: tides, currents, charts. A review of basic and intermediate paddling skills will give our instructors a chance to address opportunities for improvement, while helping you build on your strengths. The focus of this class is to provide personalized instruction in an exciting and challenging environment. (Pre-req: Skills Class II, or equiv.)
Skills Class IV: Surf Zone and Intro to Surf Kayaking~ $200
9:00 am to 3:00 pm see schedule
The surf zone class will refine your paddling skills by increasing your confidence & improving your technique in a surf zone setting. This class begins with analyzing, waves, and open coast strategies. Then we review paddle strokes with a strong emphasis on bracing. On the beach, students will learn to identify the different components of the surf zone in addition to wave dynamics and timing. On the water, students will learn to identify hazards, practice launching and landing kayaks, broaching, bracing, side surfing, and different landing techniques. (Pre-req: Skills Classes II & III)
Private Instruction ~ Kayak or SUP
1 Person ~ $390 for 3 hours, plus $130 each additional hour (3 Hour Minimum)
2 People ~ $225 per person (4 Hour Class)
3 People ~ $205 per person (4 Hour Class)
4 People ~ $185 (4 Hour Class)
5 People ~ $165 per person (6 Hour Class)
6 People ~ $148 per person (6 Hour Class)
Whether a beginner looking for highly personalized instruction, or an experienced paddler brushing up or planning an expedition, Blue Waters offers a flexible program designed to meet your specific need. You can choose a specific class from the options below, or work with an instructor to create a program specific to you.
Private Classes
Roll Clinic ~ $390
The “kayak-roll” is the ultimate self-rescue! With practice and technique, it’s possible to roll your kayak after a capsize. This 2 hour course is for anyone wanting to become a confident paddler in surf, rivers, or open coast conditions. To ensure personalized instruction, the student to instructor ratio is kept at 2:1. This creates an intimate and customized learning environment. Classes are two hours long. (Pre-req: Skills I or equiv.) Above price based on two person participation. Individual instruction available at $130 per hour, 3-hour minimum.
Navigation Clinic ~ $390
This class will teach you what you will need to know to safely negotiate open water crossings, especially those involving tidal currents. Taught half on shore and half on the water, we will first learn about a variety of compasses, how to use them, and how to calculate bearings from a chart. Then we’ll chart a course taking currents and wind into consideration and paddle it using our new found skills using ranging to track our progress. (Pre-req: Sea Kayaking Basics or equivalent, Next Stroke recommended) Above price based on two person participation. Individual instruction available at $130 per hour, 3-hour minimum.
~The Fine Print~
All public classes are subject to a minimum sign up for the class to start. Conditions that may affect safety, such as extreme weather, may cancel the class. Since weather is very hard to predict, we will advise you as soon as possible regarding the status of the class. Feel free to contact Blue Waters if you have any concerns about prevailing conditions. The status of the Surf Zone and away classes will be up to the discretion of the lead instructor the morning of the class.
Max Ratio Student/Instructor
Duration Hours |
Price Per Person
*Intro to Kayaking |
6 to 1
4 |
*Skills II: Recoveries & Advanced Paddling Techniques |
6 to 1
4 |
*Skills III: Tides and Currents |
6 to 1
6 |
*Skills IV: Surf Zone and Intro to Surf Kayaking |
3 to 1
6 |
*Roll Clinic |
1 to 1
3 |
Navigation Clinic |
6 to 1
4 |
Private Instruction |
Available by Request @ $130/ Hour
*Sign up for 2 skills classes at once to receive a 10% Discount*