Guest Deli Listings

delipicCalling first to place your order would
save you a lot of time!

Please remember to bring items that
do not need to be refrigerated!

“When we share — that is poetry in the prose of life.” ~ Sigmund Freud

FAIRFAX (along the way if coming from South Marin, the East Bay, or San Francisco)
Perry’s Deli – 1916 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. – Fairfax, California – 415-456-3580
Hours: M-F 6am-7pm / Sat-Sun 7am-7pm

WOODACRE (along the way if coming from South Marin, the East Bay, or San Francisco)
Woodacre Country Market & Deli – 175 San Geronimo Valley Drive – Woodacre, California – 415-488-9064
Hours: M-F 7am-8pm / Sat-Sun 8am-8pm

LAGUNITAS (along the way if coming from South Marin, the East Bay, or San Francisco)
Lagunitas Deli – 7290 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. – 415-488-4844

POINT REYES STATION (along the way if going to Hog Island for the Tule Elk tour but not for the Drakes Bay tour)
Palace Market – 11300 Shoreline Hwy. – Point Reyes Station, California – 415-663-1016
Hours: M-Sat 8am-8pm / Sun 8am-7pm

INVERNESS STATION (along the way if going to Drake’s Bay – but not on the way to Hog Island for the Tule Elk tour)
Perry’s Inverness Station Deli – 12301 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. – Inverness Station, California – 415-663-1491
Hours: M-F 6:30am-9pm / Sat 7am-10pm / Sun 7am-8pm